Customer Own Due Diligence: In consideration of The RFP Queen, and associated third-party resource partners/collaborating organizations (including but not limited to their respective employees, independent contractors, volunteers and agents) offering/furnishing referrals, recommendations, training, content, management or technical assistance, the customer waive all claims, causes of action, demands and damages (including but not limited to general, compensatory, special, punitive and consequential damages) of any type or kind, whether known or unknown at the time of engagement, against The RFP Queen, its third-party resource partners/collaborating organizations (including but not limited to their respective employees, officers, directors, boards, independent contractors, volunteers and agents) arising from, related to or in connection with the referrals, recommendations, training, content, management, counseling, or technical assistance offered/provided.
No Express or Implied Warranties: There are no express or implied promises or warranties of any kind (including but not limited to warranty of merchantability or fitness). The customer understands and agrees that the assistance is provided on an as-is basis; and they shall conduct their own due diligence to determine the suitability/appropriateness of the assistance for themselves and their business; and that the customer shall take reasonable considerations for current and future economic conditions that may impact contract negotiations, and pricing structures that may impact the customer's overall business success.